class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Install blogdown & Hugo
with your preferred theme
in less than two minutes——— ## Prerequisite: R and RStudio are already installed ### Peter Baumgartner ### 2017/09/19 (updated: 2018-07-22) --- layout: true class: inverse, center, middle --- # Step 01: Create new project in RStudio <!-- <img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/create-new-project.png"> -->  Click on the right top of your RStudio window to create a new project. --- # Step 02: Choose "New Directory"  Start a project in a new working directory on your hard disk. --- # Step 03: Select "Website using blogdown"  If you cannot see this option: Scroll the window down. --- # Step 04: Fill out the form.  If you don't know how and what theme to choose -> _Choose your theme_ If you know what theme you prefer, than click the "Create Project" button. --- # Wait some seconds… RStudio is busy installing blogdown with all its dependencies Hugo and the theme you have chosen --- # Finished!  You can now go to the next slideshow -> _Connect your website with GitHub_